la divina commedia: il purgatorio

Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Eine Symphonie zu Dantes “Divina Commedia” (S.109)
II – Purgatorio (1/3)

Divina Commedia Cartoon – Purgatorio

Early in the spring of 1300, Dante is lost and alone in a dark, foreboding forest. To survive this ordeal, he must visit the three realms of the afterlife. After their travels in Hell along with his guide the Roman poet, Virgil, they ascend in the undergloom to the Mountain of Purgatory…

Part two features Dante’s second voyage along with the Roman poet Virgil in one of the three canticas – their ascension to Purgatorio (Purgatory).

This is part two slideshow storytelling I made on a summarized work of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. No one asked me to do this, this is simply out of my own enjoyment and free time.

Artwork by Gustav Dore. Music by composer Matt Uelmen.

Lettura del 1°canto del Purgatorio-Divina Commedia-Dante Alighieri-Proemio, invocazione alle muse,l’alba, il cielo stellato,la serenità diffusa;il custode dell’antipurgatorio,Catone, la spiegazione di Virgilio e i riti di purificazione per proseguire il cammino.

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