hello! can I speak to


Even new English learners may have to speak English on the phone at some time or another.
Perfino i principianti, prima o poi, dovranno parlare al telefono in inglese.

Normally speaking over the phone in English is difficult because we can’t see the other person’s face or see their mouth move and so we may have trouble understanding them. However, when making and receiving phone calls, we normally follow some sort of structure.
Di solito parlare al telefono in inglese risulta difficile perché non possiamo vedere il viso dell’altra persona, o la sua bocca muoversi mentre ci parla, per cui riscontriamo più problemi nel capire l’altra persona. Tuttavia, quando effettuiamo o riceviamo delle chiamate, seguiamo una certa struttura.

Let’s have a look at a few ways of speaking on the phone.

Firstly, let’s look at a common phone conversation between Tom (T) and Mrs Smith (MS):

T: Hello, can I speak to Max please?
Pronto? Posso parlare con Max per favore?

MS: Sure. May I ask who’s calling?
Certo. Chi parla?

T: My name is Tom. Is that Mrs Smith?
Mi chiamo Tom. Lei è la signora Smith?

MS: Yes, it is Tom. Just hang on a second. I’ll check if he’s here.
Sì sono io Tom. Un momento, vado a vedere se c’è.

(A few seconds later) I’m afraid he’s not home. Can I take a message?
(Qualche secondo dopo). Mi spiace ma non è in casa. Vuoi lasciarmi un messaggio?

T: It’s OK, thank you, I’ll call back later. Thanks so much, Mrs Smith.
No, grazie. Chiamerò più tardi. Grazie mille signora Smith.

MS: Not at all. Have a nice day.
Non c’è di che. Buona gironata!

T: You too.
Anche a lei!

MS: Goodbye!

T: Goodbye, Mrs Smith!
Arrivederci signora Smith!

We may also use many variations in our conversation and the list below will help you structure your sentences in a better way.
Possiamo anche usare delle varianti per i nostri dialoghi. La lista qui sotto ti può aiutare a costruire meglio le tue frasi.

Answering the phone:

– Hello!
– Good morning/afternoon/evening

Asking for a person:

– May / Can I speak to (name)?
– Is (name) there?

Asking to take a message:

– Can I take a message?
– Would you like to leave a message?

Asking who is calling:

– Who’s calling please?
– May I ask who’s calling?

Introducing yourself:
– This is (name)
– (Name) speaking

Asking a person to wait:

– Hold on
– Hang on, I’ll call (name)
– Just a second

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